Full STEAM Friday Nights!
Full STEAM Fridays are a new collaboration between Mt. Bethel Foundation’s FACT program and Club Buccaneer (STEM teacher-led FACT clubs and summer camps designed for adventurous Mt. Bethel students seeking to further their learning and discovery). STEAM is an
educational approach to learning that combines Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process.

Our Buccaneers are the innovators, educators, leaders, and learners of the 21st Century. Full STEAM Fridays are a time for your child (1st-5th grades) to engage in LEGO builds, robotics, coding, technology, engineering challenges, creative collaborative projects and more. 15% of all proceeds for these evenings goes back to our Foundation, therefore funding further projects and materials for our Buccaneers’ classrooms.
On these fun-filled evenings (hosted once a month), students will be welcomed to the STEM Labs from 6-9pm for dinner (pizza and fruit) and theme based STEAM activities. August’s theme was “All Aboard!” The students engaged in boat designing and engineering that culminated in testing the “seaworthiness” of their vessels. They also enjoyed nautical knot tying challenges and crafted paracord keychains with their new skills. September’s theme, “Friday Night Bytes,” will be focused on coding and robotics. Students will learn about the binary coding system used in computer programming and have some awesome hands-on coding/robot time!
Stay tuned for future dates and themes coming throughout the 2018-2019 school year. For further details and to register click here or visit www.clubbuccaneer.org We hope your Buccaneer will join in on all the wonder and discovery of Full STEAM Fridays!