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STEM Day at Mt. Bethel was a HUGE Success!

Thanks to YOUR generous donations, the Foundation was thrilled to sponsor a school-wide STEM Day at Mt. Bethel today! Our STEM Teacher, Ms. Hogan and our new second STEM Teacher, Ms. Griffee did an amazing job of coordinating the amusement park themed day! Each grade level was given a challenge to create a specific amusement park ride using only the materials they were given. Students had to work together with a partner to create a unique and working ride! The results were amazing and so creative! A winner was chosen from each class and then a grade level winner was chosen at the end of the day! The grade level winning teams then enjoyed a popsicle party with our STEM Teachers! The kids had so much fun and cannot wait for the next STEM Day next year! Ask your child about STEM Day and their creation!

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